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    Synthos S.A.

    ul. Chemików 1


    +48 33 8441821

    SYNTHOS S.A. is one of the largest manufacturers of raw chemical materials in Poland. We are the third largest European manufacturer of synthetic rubber and a leading European manufacturer of polystyrene. Rapid expansion in recent years has turned the company into an enterprise that is competitive, safe and environmentally friendly. SYNTHOS S.A. ensures that buyers are always satisfied with the array of raw materials, semi-finished products and chemical finished products available. At SYNTHOS S.A., we aim to provide an innovative, high-quality array of products that comply with ecological and occupational safety standards, all while providing efficient and helpful customer service along the way. SYNTHOS S.A. grew out of the companies Firma Chemiczna Dwory S.A. and Kaucuk a.s. The current name “SYNTHOS” (introduced in 2007), derives from a fusion of two words of Greek origin: synthesis (join) and orthos (proper, right). The name replicates our mission to manufacture and supply clients with chemical products for further processing, contributing to the development of each client’s business. The name also reflects the nature of the company’s operation in chemical synthesis. SYNTHOS S.A. manages two production sites: Synthos Dwory 7 Sp. z o.o. spółka jawna based in Oświęcim, Poland, and Synthos Kralupy a.s. based in Kralupy, Czech Republic.

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